Wave Finance LLC F.A.Q

Can I purchase more than one investment package?

Yes, you can - the number of packages is not limited.

How long does it take to withdraw funds from my personal account?

The request processing time is no more than 48 hours.

Are there internal transfers in the Wave Finance LLC platform?

Internal transfers are available in the system.

Are there any restrictions on earnings in Wave Finance LLC?

There are 2 restrictions in the system that are necessary for the stable operation of the platform:
1) The maximum withdrawal amount per week is 100% of the amount of your investment. For example, if you invested $ 1,000 but earned $ 1,200 on our website, you can withdraw $ 1,000 the first week and $ 200 the next week, respectively.
2) The maximum income in binary bonuses is limited and depends on the rank you have reached. However, the income received in excess of the limit does not disappear - it remains in the form of a frozen balance in our system. If you move up the rank in the system, you instantly withdraw funds from the frozen balance to the regular one.

I cannot create a withdrawal request

Only one active withdrawal request can be created at a time. Please check if you already have a withdrawal request. If not, please contact our support team, we will help you promptly.

I tried to create a withdrawal request but could not withdraw the full amount from my balance

There is a weekly limit on the amount earned to be withdrawn. It is 100% of the amount of your deposit. The rest of the amount you can withdraw next week, when the weekly limit will be updated.

Can I change sponsor or place in the structure?

Unfortunately, our protection against structure migration does not allow making changes to binary and line trees. We can recommend that you re-register with the correct structure.

What is a frozen balance and how to withdraw money from it?

Our system is designed in the most transparent and honest way, which allows you to save every dollar earned in excess of the limit for the achieved rank. This means that the balance will be held for you until you reach the next rank to unfreeze. It will be defrosted automatically as soon as you meet all the requirements.